Chapter 4 (NIV): The Chronicles of Ken Sharpe: Dubai Builder: Who is Stephen Sugden?

  1. Boaz, called to be a crusader against corruption on the plateau, and our brother Chikwekwete, from Boterekwa, 
  2. To you, most excellent Svodai, and to those sanctified in the heritage of this great land and called to be its people, together with all those scattered everywhere who call themselves Zimbabweans:
  3. Grace and peace to you. 
  4. I always thank my ancestors for you because of the grace given you in them.  For in them you have been enriched in every way—with all kinds of land and with all luxury living houses in gold estates— thus confirming our testimony about Ken Sharpe among you. 
  5. And those who have not yet bought stands from Warren Hills Luxury Golf Estate or Millennium Heights or Pomona City or even Pokugara Estates but plan to do so soon do not lack any background knowledge as they eagerly wait for the houses built on 5 billion bricks to be revealed. He will also keep your money safe to the end, so that he will be  vindicated on the day of our moving in. For he is faithful, who has called you into fellowship with his project. 
  6. In the first three Chapters I have dealt with how the land was acquired.  However, I must briefly depart from the land and place in context and show you something that you must know. For there was a judgement in South Africa that is relevant to the projects in Zimbabwe in that it reveals some of the places where properties have been acquired, perhaps as security for the money trusted unto the Builder of Dubai in Zimbabwe, but that is speculation. 
  7. I mentioned in my first letter, O Svodai, that I will rely only on official information without commentary. So today I produce to you a court judgment, which appears at and is a genuine judgement of the South African High Court. You are of course free to read the rest of the judgment there, for it has been said Are the documents that I refer to not available in public and by clicking the link provided? 
  8. All I ask is that you read, and when you get to the part where I ended (the full judgement being available at the link shown), I ask that you ask yourself only this: how did Ken Sharpe manage to have all that information on Steven Sudgen but for the Grace of the LORD?

In the matter between:

  1. While you ponder that, please consider this: does Chapter 1 not say that Augur Investments OU was a company registered in Estonia? Does it not say in Chapter 1 and 2 of the Chronicles of Ken Sharpe that one Oleksandr Sheremet was one of the directors of Augur Investments OU in Estonia? And I know, O Svodai, that your esteemed self knows that which must come, but I will say it anyway: when a person is designated as ‘one of’ it means there are others, does it not?
  2. And so, while Ken Sharpe, the Builder of Dubai in Zimbabwe, did inform the South African court that there was a Stephen Sugden who was not the applicant above, but an innocent Englishman in Tunbridge Wells London, it seems the fault of none other than Stephen Sugden himself that he omitted to mention that he too, as Stephen Sugden, was one of the officers of Augur Investments OU. Fantastic coincidence no doubt. Was the Stephen Sugden of Augur Investments OU the same innocent jobber in Tunbridge Wells London? THis has not been verified.
  3. But, who are to guess, when publicly available sources can shed more light on this mystery? Please look at p.42 of this resource and decide whether (a) it is possible that Ken Sharpe in South Africa did not know Stephen Sugden or (b) it is more likely that not only did he know him, but that the information he knew existed served as useful kompromat when the latter sought to cash out.
  1. It seems that there are more issues to do with this man who is going to build Dubai in Zimbabwe, issues that make it possible to see that his vision must definitely succeed.
  2. Because, O Svodai, how can it be anything but the LORD’s grace that he carries on winning in all courts, home and away?
  3. Surely the LORD does nothing without revealing his path to his messengers the Prophets?

Advocate Tinomudaishe Chinyoka

You can see where it all started in Chapter 1:


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