The Chronicles of Ken Sharpe: Dubai Builder Chapter 3: Mr. Ken Sharpe goes to America but, did he get Warren Hills for a Song?

  1. The Spirit of the LORD has convicted me to send this treatise to you, O, Svodai, about the vision of Boaz, which he saw while digging for gold in the Mutevekwi river  in Shurugwi, just South-South-East of the Boterekwa pass, a few kilometres from the Chinese chrome mine, some distance from Unki gold mine to the north, after he had spent the night drinking chikokiyana at ChaChaCha in the east;
  2. Thus saith the Lord GOD concerning the children of Munhumutapa and Mthwakazi living outside the plateau; We have heard a rumour from the LORD, that an ambassador in the name of Ken Sharpe, builder of Dubai in Zimbabwe, is sent among those of you that reside outside of the plateau, on a roadshow to sell HOPE in a brighter future, asking Arise ye, and let us rise up against despair in battle and say, Do you BELIEVE in a better Zimbabwe? What part are you playing in leaving a better future for generations to come?
  3. And saying Behold, I will make thee big among the nations: thou shalt not be greatly despised.
  4. Thine enemies’ hearts hath deceived them, they that dwellest in the clefts of the rock, whose habitation is high; that saith in his heart, Who shall bring these Zimbabweans down to the ground?
  5. Though they exalt theirselves as the eagle, and though they set their nest among the stars, thence will I bring them down, saith the LORD.
  6. If thieves came to thee, if robbers by night, (how art thou blessed I am neither!) would they not have stolen till they had enough? if the grape gatherers came to thee, would they not leave some grapes?
  7. How are the things of Zimbabwe searched out! how are her hidden things sought up! How is her lithium, oil, gas and uranium coveted by the Great Shaitan, but I come so that Zimbabwe shall be great again with my 5 billion bricks by 2050!
  8. The voice of the ambassador says as it goes forth before the ponytail that is no more says, I will sell to thee, stands in the upmarket Warren Hills Luxury Golf Course project, sayeth the ambassador of the LORD, Ken Sharpe, as he traverses the diaspora offering US$10,000.00 discounts to those that attend the roadshows;
  9. Selling the land that which belongs to Sunshine Development, that joint venture in which Augur Investments owned 70% and City of Harare 30%;
  10. Though in listing on the Victoria Falls Stock Exchange; it is WestPro Holdings Limited that did claim that it owned the 70%, having bought it from Alpha Holdings of Mauritius, whose identity no-one knows of, but there is no resolution from City of Harare saying this is the case, or that its Joint Venture partner is no more;
  11. And thus did a journalist ask of one Jacob the son of Mafume, while he was mayor of Harare before the first interruption, and deny did he that he knew of this change in identity of joint venture partner or even that their 30% was now listed on some stock market as no resolution had been made by the council to allow its shareholding to be traded on the stock exchange, but seeing as Jacob is no longer popular, the audio shall be kept safe but need no playing.
  12. Rather, listen to the Ambassador at the Sofitel Hotel near you, Come to Washington DC, New York, Salt Lake City, Dallas and listen, to  Ken Sharpe as he talks about how the eviction of the former tenants paved the way for the US$280 million project to become a reality;
  13. But who are these previous tenants, if not the men that were at peace with the City of Harare and have claimed that they were deceived, but Ken Sharpe did prevail against them in court most fairly;  there is none understanding in them that the 5 billion bricks need land.
  14. Shall I not in that day, saith the LORD, even destroy the men that claimed that the deal between City of Harare and Augur Investments for the sale of Warren Hills Golf course to the joint venture company was unlawful because; as they claimed:
  15. That the land in question was municipal land owned by the City of Harare and could only be disposed of in terms of the Urban Councils Act, which they alleged was not done; 
  16. And, that there was no resolution from the Finance Committee of the City of Harare allowing the sale;
  17. And, that there was no resolution from the full council approving or rectifying the sale;
  18. And, that there was no advertisement of the the sale in any newspaper as required by law;
  19. And, that there were not procedures followed for the change of use of the land from recreational to residential;
  20. And, that there was no purchase price received by the City of Harare for the sale of the land;
  21. And, that the people who signed the memorandum of agreement and shareholders agreement on behalf of the City of Harare with the main shareholder of Sunshine Developments, being Augur Investments, not Alpha Holdings and not WestProp Holdings that now seems to own the interest, had no authority to do so from the City of Harare, making the entire agreement invalid;
  22. And, that even if the agreement was valid, said Augur Investments failed to perform in terms of such agreement, in particular that they did fail to “provide funding for the project in an amount between US$20,000,000.00 (twenty million United States Dollars) and US$30,000,000.00 (thirty million United States Dollars)” as specified in said agreement, meaning the property was transferred without value;
  23. And, that Augur Investments, failed to comply with the provisions of the then Zimbabwe Investment Authority Act which makes it mandatory for investors to obtain an investment licence, and where an investor as no licence, it cannot invest in Zimbabwe;
  24. And, that the development of municipal land is a service that legally ought to have proceeded through public procurement processes in terms of the then Procurement Act [Chapter 22:14] which was not done thereby making  the entire process illegal, null and void;
  25. And, that in its joint venture agreement and the initial agreement with Harare City Council Augur Investments did represent itself as a company registered in Ukraine yet it was in fact registered in Estonia until being delisted in 2012 and never in Ukraine;
  26. And, that in any event the company itself, whether Estonian or Ukrainian did not exist at the time it signed the Shareholders agreement and therefore the same was void;
  27. And, that the conveyancer that transferred the land from City of Harare to the joint venture company could not have lawfully transferred the land to Sunshine Developments in terms of a general power of attorney executed in 1998 as this is prohibited by section 28 of the Deeds Registries Regulations, 1977, which requires general powers of attorney to be specific.
  28. And these mighty men, O Svodai, were to be dismayed, as to the end that every one of their arguments failed in a court of law;
  29. Including but their best argument, which was that the purchase price mentioned in the title deeds of ZW$30,000,000,000.00 was in September 2008 equivalent to US$50,000.00 (fifty thousand United States Dollars) and as transfer was effected long after this, no reasonable person would have approved the same of prime public land at such an extremely low price;
  30. And that in any event as Augur Investments is a foreign company its debts and liabilities must always be paid in the United States dollar but it has been allowed repeatedly to pay in local currency, just as it paid roughly a few hundred thousand dollars to settle a liability worth more than US$5,000,000.00 for the Airport road;  
  31. But as there is no Albanian Kanun to concern them, those that built a US$280,000,000.00 (two hundred and eighty million United States Dollars) golf estate on land the the title deeds say was bought for US50,000.00 (fifty thousand United States Dollars) but no evidence that even this was ever paid, might not have to face any reckoning as a result.
  32. But so serious are the concerns around the proprieties of WestProp Holdings and  Sunshine Developments that in the day that Grant Thornton Accountants had to issue a conclusion on the accounts of WestProp Holdings Limited, did it stoodest on the other side, and issued a qualified statement noting that:
  33.  “The Group’s revenue for the six months ended 30 June 2023 of USD 11 770 480 includes revenue from the sale of residential stands amounting to USD 5 361 163 for which the Group had not obtained certificates of compliance from the local authority to allow for the transfer of legal title to the customer. This constitutes a departure from the requirements of International Financial Reporting Standard (IFRS) 15 which require revenue to be recognised when the entity has satisfied its performance obligations and had effected the transfer of legal title to the customer”; and
  34. “The abridged interim consolidated financial information include unaudited financial statements of Sunshine Developments (Private) Limited, a joint venture of WestProp Holdings Limited. As a result, we were unable to satisfy ourselves that all necessary adjustments and disclosures have been made to the unaudited financial statements of Sunshine Developments (Private) Limited for the six months ended 30 June 2023. Accordingly, we were unable to determine the effect this might have on the abridged consolidated financial information of WestProp Holdings Limited for the six months ended 30 June 2023”:
  35. And so it is that those that opposed him claimed that one stands to make hundreds of millions of dollars on land for which not a cent was paid, and no investment came into the plateau, but no court saw fault in that, so it was well.
  36. And, in the day that the Ambassador spoke in Washington DC at the Sofitel Lafayette Hotel, he of course did not mention these inconvenient facts, seeing as they might affect the appetite to buy the stands, but the details are on the company’s  website, thus ensuring that any costumers who part with money (less the US$10,000.00 discount of course) and any foreigners who enter into the gates, and cast lots upon Warren Hills Luxury Estate or any other property of this empire, even if thou O, Svodai wast as one of them, cannot complain of material non-dicsclusre should nothing come of their money since the information is not being hidden.
  37. But those that do complain will in my opinion, O Svodai, be told that thou shouldest not have looked on the day of thy Ambassador when he became bothered by these useless lawsuits; neither shouldest thou have rejoiced over the confusion in WestProp Holdings in the day of its abortive launch on the Victoria Falls Stock Exchange (VFEX); neither shouldest thou have spoken proudly in the day of its distress.
  38. Thou shouldest not have though it was all unravelling in the day of their calamity; yea, thou shouldest not have looked on their affliction in the day of their calamity, nor have laid hands on their substance in the day of their calamity, which was their debut on the VFEX;
  39. Neither shouldest thou have stood in the crossway, to laugh at how the Greek’s complaints to the VFEX almost derailed the listing; neither shouldest thou have rejoiced that not a single share was sold on the first day of trading as a result of questions around probity, in that day of distress.
  40. For the day of the LORD is near upon all the doubters: as thou hast done, it shall be done unto thee: thy reward shall return upon thine own head. For as ye have drunk upon the LORD’s holy mountain, so shall all the doubters drink continually, yea, they shall drink, and they shall swallow down, and they shall be as though they had not been.
  41. But upon this plateau shall be deliverance, upon this plateau shall 5 billion bricks be laid, and there shall be houses that no-one on the waiting list can afford, and at Warren Hills a lifestyle community that includes a tennis and swimming academy, residential units, and a luxury hotel that shall sell Sadza not; and the  Ambassador from the house of Munhumutapa shall possess their possessions.
  42. And the house of Munhumutapa shall be a fire, and the house of Mtwakhazi a flame, and the house of the doubters for stubble, and they shall kindle in them, and devour them; and there shall not be any remaining of the house of doubters; for the LORD hath spoken it.

Advocate Tinomudaishe Chinyoka

You can see where it all started in Chapter 1:


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