Update on The Chronicles of Ken Sharpe, Builder of Dubai in Zimbabwe


Update on The Chronicles of Ken Sharpe, builder of Dubai in Zimbabwe

The words of Boaz, who was among the makorokoza of Mutevekwi, which he saw concerning Zimbabwe in the days of King Mswati III of Eswatini and in the days of King Charles III son of Elizabeth II of Great Britain, two years after the Special Military Operation in Ukraine.

And so it came to pass that after the cease and desist letter from his attorneys:

That I did communicate with his lawyers 
    and a meeting was agreed for the week of the morrow;
the purpose being to converse,
    and agree how to proceed; 

and long did I await.

And wait again did I for meeting promised:

But none came about,
    and in the meanwhile he that seemed their runner,
did became head of those investigating corruption;
    and with speed and alacrity became vested;

untouchable in his new perch,
    so that the people of Munhumutapa people who are called by the Lord’s name might be deceived;

and then it was clear that the evil ones had won. 

Long hence a story will be told,

     listeners shall be few but it will be said; 

Of a girl-child married by her parent’s Madzibaba, twelve years after she left the womb,
    and soon she was pregnant and near the time of delivery,

When she heard the news that ZACC had been captured and that the errand boy was now in charge ,
    and that they had won and by then it will be too late;

she went into labor and gave birth, but was overcome by her labor pains,

As she was dying, the women attending her said, “Don’t despair; you have given birth to a son.”

    But she did not respond or pay any attention,

She named the boy Ichabod, saying, “The Glory has departed from this Land”,



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